60-Second Messages
Dealing With Anger
Take the Sting out of Anger
It's natural to get angry, but the way we handle anger has a great impact on our health. In moments of extreme emotion, the body releases hormones to help the body cope with the coming stress. These hormones initiate physiological changes that increase blood pressure.
The great news, however, is that changing how we cope with anger also changes the neurotransmitters and hormones released - allowing us to reduce their effect on our blood pressure.
We all get angry from time to time, so here are some strategies which can help you to "cool down":
- Take a break. It's always a good idea to pause for a moment before responding to the situation that has made you angry.
- Distract yourself. If a situation is making you angry, try to immerse yourself in distractions, like listening to music, looking at peaceful scenes or talking to a friend.
- Relax. Take time to meditate or just chill. Do some stretching. Take deep breaths. Anything that can ease the tension.