
60-Second Messages

Hypertension and Diabetes

Avoid that Double Whammy

Have high blood pressure? Even a small elevation increases your risk of developing diabetes by more that 50%.

Have diabetes? If your blood pressure is elevated you have a significantly higher risk of developing complications (stroke, heart disease, organ failure) and dying from them.

The main reason that diabetes and hypertension seem to be connected is that many of the risk factors for these conditions are the same.

The great news is that the lifestyle changes that will help get these conditions under control are also mostly the same: maintain a healthy weight, eat better and less - and get more exercise.

If you're part of beth.ai's Hypertension Companion for Hypertension, the program will also help with your diabetes. And vice versa.



Diabetes and hypertension: What is the relationship?

Diabetes and hypertension: What is the relationship?

Further reading from Medical News Today.
High Blood Pressure: Does it lead to Diabetes?

High Blood Pressure: Does it lead to Diabetes?

This National Health Service journal article outlines the evidence.
Diabetes and High Blood Pressure

Diabetes and High Blood Pressure

Useful information and links from WebMD