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Beth - BP120 Coach
Take a few minutes to learn about lifestyle changes that might help your blood pressure.
About BP120.org
Hypertension is often referred to as the "silent killer". This site - it's apps and articles - wants to change that.ACE (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme) Inhibitors
All About ACE Inhibitors
If your hypertension drug ends in –pril, then you're taking an ACE Inhibitor.
Alcohol & Hypertension
Stick to One or Two Drinks
The mechanism isn't understood yet, but the evidence is clear – drinking alcohol elevates blood pressure.
Dealing With Anger
Take the Sting out of Anger
It's natural to get angry, but the way we handle anger has a great impact on our health.
About BP120.org
Hypertension is often referred to as the "silent killer". This site - it's apps and articles - wants to change that.Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARBs)
About Your Angiotensin Receptor Blockers
It’s easy to identify whether you are taking an angiotensin receptor blocker.
Beta Blockers
About Beta Blockers
Beta blockers are agents that block the effect ot neurotransmitters responsible for the body's ‘fight or flight’ response.
Losing Weight
Aim for a Healthy Weight
Make it a goal to maintain a Body Mass Index (BMI) of less than 25. Your blood pressure will thank you.
About BP120.org
Hypertension is often referred to as the "silent killer". This site - it's apps and articles - wants to change that.Buying a Blood Pressure Monitor
What to Look For in a Monitor
A powerful way to learn what's helping, and what's harming your blood pressure is to measure it at key times, and after key events and lifestyle changes.
Is Coffee a Problem for You?
Caffeine is found in coffee, teas, carbonated beverages, energy drinks, chocolate and many other foods.
Calcium Channel Blockers
Why would I want to block calcium?
If you're taking this medication, you might be asking this. It's a good question. We need calcium - particularly for strong bones.
About BP120.org
Hypertension is often referred to as the "silent killer". This site - it's apps and articles - wants to change that.Low Calorie Diet
This is one of the most powerful health messages you'll ever hear. It has also proven to be one of the most unpopular.
Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure
High Cholesterol Leads to High Blood Pressure
Studies show that those with higher than normal levels of cholesterol – LDL, the bad cholesterol...
Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 - Worth a Try
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an essential compound found naturally in virtually every cell of the human body.
About BP120.org
Hypertension is often referred to as the "silent killer". This site - it's apps and articles - wants to change that.The DASH Diet
DASH - a Proven Eating Strategy
D.A.S.H. It stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. This is a proven diet that has been shown to be more effective at lowering blood pressure than some popular hypertension medications.
Exercise and Blood Pressure
Exercise lowers blood pressure
Exercise can be more effective than hypertension drugs. A good session will get you an immediate 5-10 mmHg drop.
Can Fish Oil Lower Blood Pressure?
Yes It Can
The effect is not huge, but it's significant. Why it works is still being debated, but it seems that the effect is primarily due to its anti-inflammatory activity.
About BP120.org
Hypertension is often referred to as the "silent killer". This site - it's apps and articles - wants to change that.Garlic
Include Fresh Garlic in Your Diet
Garlic contains allicin, a compound that can triggers vasodilation - thereby lowering blood pressure.
Why is High Blood Pressure a Problem?
The Silent Killer
High blood pressure (HBP or hypertension) is when our blood pressure, the force of our blood pushing against the walls of our blood vessels, is consistently too high.
How to Measure Your Blood Pressure
Read the instructions
Your monitor will have come with instructions that show the best way to use it.
About BP120.org
Hypertension is often referred to as the "silent killer". This site - it's apps and articles - wants to change that.Hypertension and Diabetes
High blood pressure and diabetes are two of the most prevalent conditions today. Yet even more prevalent is the occurrence of both conditions together. Recently, the number...
Kempner Rice Diet
A Powerful Lesson
It might be your first time hearing about the Kempner Rice Diet. As the name itself suggests, this was the brainchild of Dr Walter Kempner in 1939.
About BP120.org
Hypertension is often referred to as the "silent killer". This site - it's apps and articles - wants to change that.Meditation
More Than Just a Stress Buster
Some forms of meditation have been shown to lower blood pressure
Get More Potassium
Balance That Salt With Potassium
Looking for a non-drug supplement that could help lower your blood pressure? Potassium might be the answer.
Tips for Resistance Training
Build a Strong & Resilient Body
Resistance training with weights, exercise machines, bands or even your own body weight can make you stronger...
About BP120.org
Hypertension is often referred to as the "silent killer". This site - it's apps and articles - wants to change that.What's Wrong With Salt?
We All Get Too Much Salt
Common salt is a compound of sodium (Na) and chloride (Cl) ions. All life needs salt – or more particularly sodium - to survive.
Are you salt sensitive?
What is Salt-Sensitivity?
It’s the term used to measure how your blood pressure responds to salt intake.
If you're a smoker, the single biggest thing you can do for your health is stop. You already know this.
About BP120.org
Hypertension is often referred to as the "silent killer". This site - it's apps and articles - wants to change that.What About Spikes?
Spikes Are Nothing to Worry About
Spikes in our blood pressure are normal. They can be caused by such everyday things as...
Stress and Hypertension
Stress Needs to be Managed
Stressful situations elevate our blood pressure. Adrenaline and other chemicals get us ready for action by constricting our blood vessels and making our heart pump harder.
Sugar Increases Blood Pressure
Some researchers believe that sugar may be a greater cause of hypertension than salt.
About BP120.org
Hypertension is often referred to as the "silent killer". This site - it's apps and articles - wants to change that.Thiazide Diuretics
A Little About Thiazide Diuretics
As part of your drug regimen you may be taking one of these...
Track It If You Want To Improve It
Tracking Progress Helps Us To Achieve Our Goals
This is particularly so when it comes to our health. Take our food consumption, for example...
Vitamin C for Hypertension
Ascorbate Versus Artery Damage
Vitamin C (also known as ascorbate) is another micronutrient that may lower your blood pressure. Like fish oil, the effect is small, but significant.